Full House Vs Straight Rating: 4,8/5 2016 votes

BE SURE you know the definitions of (1) straight (2) straight flush (3) full house (boat) and (4) flop. As your question stands now, you have to remember that a full house only exists when a pair is on the board. And a pair on the board would make a straight and straight flush impossible. – Unknown Coder Sep 2. Grab your phone and sign Poker Full House Vs Straight in to a great online casino today. More than generous new player bonuses get you going with up to $7000 in cash bonuses. And so much more: free Poker Full House Vs Straight spins, tournaments, unbelievably sophisticated slots or a simple hand of 5-card draw poker.

Almost all variants of poker are based around a poker hand that’s made up of 5 cards. It is these 5 cards that determines who the winner is. Therefore, it is critical that you understand the ranking order of poker hands so that you know how strong your poker hand is compared to your opponents.

Royal Flush

This is the best possible hand you can get in poker and is unbeatable. It’s basically a “Straight Flush” that runs from Ace to Ten.

Straight Flush

Five cards in numerical order and are all of the same suit. This is similar to a “Royal Flush” with the only exception being that it does not contain an Ace. In instances where multiple players have a Straight Flush, the one with the highest high value card wins.

Four of A Kind (also known as “Quads”)

As the name suggests, it’s a combination of four cards of the same rank and a kicker (the fifth card).
In the event there are more than 1 player with this hand, the one comprised of the highest quads wins.

In community card games, where players can use cards from the “board” (cards are placed faced up, and can be used by any player to create a best 5-card hand), and therefore it’s possible that multiple player can have “Four of a Find” made up from the same quads, then the player with the highest kicker wins.

Full House

Fourth in the poker hand rankings is the Full House. It is a combination of any three cards of the same numerical value and a pair of another value. When there’s multiple “Full House” hands, the one with the highest triplet wins. If players have the same triplets, then the one with the highest pair wins.


A “Flush” is a set of five cards with the same suit. The cards do not have to be in sequential order be a Flush. Between two or more flushes, the one with the highest high value card wins, with an “Ace-high Flush” being the strongest.

Full house or straight

In the event that multiple hands have the same highest high value card, the winner is then determined by the second highest high value card, so on and so forth.


Any five cards in sequential order that is of different suits. Two Straights are compared by the value of their high cards. An ace can be used as the highest value card in the Straight, or the lowest value card in a Straight. For example, an Ace-high straight, like the one in our example, is the strongest Straight you can get (also known as a “Broadway” Straight). But a Straight consisting of Ace, two, three, four, five is considered the weakest Straight (also known as “Wheel” straight).

Three of a Kind (also known as “Trips” or “Set”)

A three of a kind is just a Full House without the additional pair. Meaning, the other 2 cards are of different values. When there are multiple “Three of a Kind”, the one with the highest triplet wins.

If players have the same triplets, then the winner is determined by the one with the highest value of the two remaining cards, and if multiple players have the same card here again, then the player with the second highest high value card wins.

Two Pairs

You probably can guess what this is. It’s simply Two Pairs of any value. In instances where there are more than 1 player with a Two Pairs, the winner is first determined by the one with the highest pair, then the highest second pair, then the kicker (fifth card).

One Pair

This hand consists of one pair of the same value cards, and 3 unrelated cards, all of different value. In the event of a tie, the hand with the highest pair wins. If players have the same highest pair, then the winner is determined by the hand with the highest value card of the 3 kickers, then the 2nd highest, then then 3rd.

High Card

If your hand doesn’t fall into any of the above categories, then what you have is a “High Card” hand and the value of the highest card in the hand determines the strength of this hand. So, a player with a 10 High Card would beat a player with a 8 High Card.

In instances where multiple players have the same highest high card, then it goes down the remaining four cards to determine who the winner is.

As shown in our example, the strongest High Card hand is a A, K, Q, J, 9.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does a higher-ranking hand according to the chart above always beat a hand of a lower ranking?

Yes. The ranking order is absolute, and there are no instances where a lower ranked hand would beat a higher ranked hand.

Both my friend and I have a Two Pair hand consisting of the same two pairs and a different kicker. So my hand is Ad, Ac, 8d,8c, 10 and his hand is Ah, As, 8h, 8s, 9. He said he is the winner because his two pairs are made from hearts and spades, which are usually considered to be higher than the diamonds and clubs in my hand. Is this true?

Your friend is wrong. Suits don’t play a role in determine the strength of a hand in poker. Only the numerical value of the card does. So in this example, since you both have the same two pairs, then the winner would be the one with the highest kicker (the fifth card). So, that would be you, because your 10 is higher than your friend’s 9.

Does having an “All-Red” or “All-Black” hand mean anything in poker?

No, it doesn’t. As we explained in the above question, suits play no roles in poker. This is same for the colour of a card.

In Texas hold’em with five community cards, I’m able to create three pairs. Would this beat Two Pairs?

Even Though there are seven cards in total, you are only able to use 5 cards from the seven to create your strongest 5-card hand. Therefore, it’s not possible to have 3 pairs, which requires 6 cards. In this particular instance, what you have is a Two Pair hand.

Does a K, A, 2, 3, 5 count as a Straight?

No, it doesn’t. Aces can only be used as a high card or a low card in the case of any poker hand that requires the numbers to be in a sequential order, such as a “Straight” or a “Straight Flush”. So, a “10, J, Q, K, A” is the highest Straight possible (also known as a “Broadway” Straight), and a “A, 2, 3, 4, 5” is the lowest Straight possible (also known as a “Wheel” Straight). But Aces cannot be used as a wraparound Straight, such as “K, A, 2, 3, 4”.

Standard Play

Objective of the Game

Yahtzee can be played in solitary or by a group.The group version simply consists of a number of players playing thesolitary version simultaneously, with the highest score winning. I'llexplain the solitary version, since that's what the applet lets youplay (although you could use the 'Clone Window' option to let multipleplayers play).

The game consists of 13 rounds. In each round, you roll thedice and then score the roll in one of 13 categories. Youmust score once in each category -- which means that towards the endof the game you may have to settle for scoring zero in somecategories. The score is determined by a different rule for eachcategory; see the section on Scoring below.

The object of the game is to maximize your total score (of course:-). The game ends once all 13 categories have been scored.

Rolling the Dice

You have five dice which you can roll, represented bythe die faces at the top of the applet window. To start with, youroll all dice by clicking on the Roll All button. Afteryou roll all dice, you can eitherscore the current roll, or re-roll any or allof the five dice.

To re-roll some of the dice, click on the toggle button underneath thedie face you want to re-roll, then click on the Re-rollbutton. This will re-roll the selected dice, leaving theunselected ones unchanged.

You can roll the dice a total of three times -- the initial roll (inwhich you must roll all the dice), plus two re-rolls of any or alldice. After rolling three times, you mustscore the roll.

Once you've scored the roll, you roll all the dice again andrepeat the process. You continue until all 13 categories have beenfilled, at which time the game is over.


Once you have the dice face combination you want to score, you scorethe roll in one of the 13 categories. You do this by clicking on oneof the radio buttons in either the Upper Scores or LowerScores box. Once a category has been scored, it is closed outfor the rest of the game; you cannot change a category's score onceit's been set. Each category defines its own scoring rules, asdescribed below.

Upper Scores

In the upper scores, you total only thespecified die face. So if you roll:
and score in the Threes category, your total for that entrywould be 9. This same roll would yield zero points if you scored it in theAcesFull House Vs StraightPoker full house vs straight

Full House Vs Straight Flush

(Ones), TwosStraight

Full House Vs Straight To The Ace

, or Fives category, four pointsif you scored it in the Fours category, or six points if youscored it in the Sixes category.

Four Of A Kind Vs Full House

When the game is over, if you score 63 or more upper points (anaverage of 3 die faces per category), you will get an upperbonus of 35 points. Of course do don't need to score exactlythree die faces in each upper category to get the bonus, as long asthe upper total is at least 63.

Lower Scores

In the lower scores, you score either a set amount (defined by thecategory), or zero if you don't satisfy the category requirements.

3 and 4 of a Kind

For 3 of a Kind, you must have at least three of the same diefaces. If so, you total all the die faces and score that total.Similarly for 4 of a Kind, except that you must have 4 of the5 die faces the same. So for example, if you rolled:
you would receive 20 points for 3 of a Kind, but zero points for 4 ofa Kind.


Like in poker, a straight is a sequence of consecutivedie faces; a small straight is 4 consecutive faces, and a largestraight is 5 consecutive faces. Small straights score 30 points andlarge straights score 40 points. Thus, if you rolled:
you could score either a small straight or a large straight, sincethis roll satisfies both.

Full House

Again as in poker, a Full House is a roll where you haveboth a 3 of a kind, and a pair. Full houses score 25 points.


A Yahtzee is a 5 of a Kind (i.e. all the die faces are thesame), and it scores 50 points. If you roll more than oneYahtzee in a single game, you will earn a 100 point bonus foreach additional Yahtzee roll, provided that you have alreadyscored a 50 in the Yahtzee category. If you have not scoredin the Yahtzee category, you will not receive a bonus. Ifyou have scored a zero in the Yahtzee category, you cannotreceive any bonuses during the current game.

You can also use subsequent Yahtzee's asjokers in the lower scores section, provided thefollowing criteria have been satisfied:

  1. You have scored a zero or 50 in the Yahtzee category.
  2. You have filled the corresponding category in the upper scoressection. For example, if you have rolled:
    the Fives category must also be filled.
If this is the case, you can use the Yahtzee as a joker tofill in any lower scores category. You score the category as normal.Thus for the Small Straight, Full House Vs StraightLarge Straight, andFull House categories, you would score 30, 40, and 25 pointsrespectively. For the 3 of a Kind, 4 of a Kind, andChance categories, you would score the total of the die face.


Chance is the catch-all roll. You can roll anything andyou simply total all the die faces values.