45 Man Sng Strategy Rating: 4,4/5 839 votes
Nicole Gordon
  1. 45 Man Sng Strategy Meaning
  2. 45 Man Sng Strategy Tactics
  3. 45 Man Sng Strategy 2

45 Man Sng Strategy Meaning

The multitable sit-n-go is a curious beast. It has the spirit and flow of a tournament along with the more scientific elements of a traditional SNG. Whether you’re an MTT player who needs to rebuild a roll, or an SNG player looking to make the move toward MTTs, the 27- or 45-man tournament represents an excellent hybrid. These are also easily “grindable” games, so if you’re looking to put in some volume and don’t mind a few swings, these could be your ticket to bankroll health.

For non-strategy content check out our Sit n Go Guide. The Basic Strategy for Sit n Go Tournaments; The #1 Secret to Playing AK in a Sit n Go Tournament; 10 Common Sit n Go Leaks; 18-Man SNG Guide; 45-Man SNG Guide; 90-Man KO Turbo Sit n Go; Guide to Reshoving; How to Adjust for Regulars; How to Beat the Micro Limits; Why You Should Min-Raise. Strategy for 45-Man Sit and Gos Early Stage 45 Man SNG Strategy. You’re going to have to collect a lot of chips to win this tournament, but that doesn’t. Middle Stage 45 Man SNG Strategy. The middle stage begins when the blinds reach about 50/100 or so. At this point, fewer. Late Stage 45 Man.

Where can I play?

For U.S. players, Full Tilt and PokerStars are your best bets. They not only have the widest range of buy-ins but also the largest player base, ensuring that games will fill relatively quickly. However, there are slight differences in structure and payout schedules between the two sites.

Standard-speed SNGs on PokerStars have ten-minute levels and antes that kick in at Level 7. The 45-man SNGs pay seven places and 27-man games pay five places. Buy-ins start with a rake-free $0.25x45 game and increase as follows: $1.20x27, $1.20x45, $3.40x27, $5.50x27, $5.50x45, $11x27, $11x45, $22x27, and $22x45. Turbo SNGs have five-minute levels and the same blind structure as their longer counterparts. Although low-limit 45-man SNGs are available at a variety of buy-ins, ($1.10x45, $3.25x45, $6.50x45, $12x45, and $27x45) 27-man games are not spread in a turbo format on PokerStars.

If you’re looking for 27-man turbos, head over to Full Tilt Poker where turbo SNGs have three-minute levels and no antes. Five places pay and they are available at the $2.25, $6.50, $12, and $24 level. Standard-speed SNGs have six-minute levels and no antes. You’ll find $1.10x45, $1.20x27, $2.25x27, $5.50x27, $5.50x45, $11x45, $22x27, and $26x45 games running around the clock.

How much do I need?

We’re not going to lie to you. These games, especially the turbos, come with some big swings, so get ready. If you want a very small risk of ruin, make sure you have at least 100 buy-ins in your online account to properly weather the roller-coaster ride of multitable SNGs. This number can and should be adjusted relative to the level you’re playing. If you’re playing $1.10 games, 100 buy-ins is a very conservative number, while at the $27 level, it’s a bit thin. As you move up in stakes, the skill levels of your opponents increase as well, hence the need for additional funds in reserve.

Turbos or non-turbos?

This is largely a personal preference as each format has its pros and cons. Turbos tend to fill up faster, which is advantageous for multitablers who are trying to squeeze in as many games as possible. However, with their accelerated structure comes additional variance. There is a lot more room for play in standard-speed SNGs whereas the turbos will come down to push-or-fold poker rather quickly. However, standard-speed games take almost twice as long to play out.

Additionally, the difference in rake between turbos and non-turbos is pretty significant, especially at the micro-limits. On PokerStars, a $1x45 standard-speed SNG has a $0.20 rake (20%) while the turbo version of the same game has a $0.10 rake (10%).

How much can I earn?

At buy-in levels below $27, top players are earning between a 15 and 20 percent ROI over several thousand games. The bare minimum for a sample size is widely considered to be 1,000 games before you’ll have any real indicator of your earn rate. Typically the higher the buy-in, the smaller you can expect your ROI to be as your opponents’ skill levels increase.

If you want to multitable 27- or 45-man games, get ready for some serious swings. We're talking about 15 to 20 buy-in downswings being pretty standard, and even the best players will experience a 50+ buy-in downswing once in a while.

Should I multitable?

In a word? Yes. And now that you know it’s going to take at least 1,000 games to know where you’re at, it’s actually pretty crucial if you want to get anywhere close to that number in a reasonable amount of time. Sure, 12- and 16-tabling isn’t for everyone and for some it’s damn near impossible given their computer setup (I’m staring at a 13” laptop screen right now). If you’re a multitabling novice, start with two or three tables and work your way up until you find your maximum. Laptop users, buy a mouse. That trackpad won’t cut it for long. And make it a cheap, easily replaceable one in case it gets thrown at a wall or out a window.

Should I move up?

First of all, don’t even think about moving up until you’ve played your first 1,000 games. If you’ve done that, are happy with your ROI, and your bankroll is starting to approach 100 buy-ins for the next limit, start by mixing in a few games at the higher limit with some of the ones you’re already grinding. You should discover pretty quickly if you’re ready to move up.

In Part 2 we’ll tackle strategy for each stage of the game. Stay tuned!

Ready to start building your own bankroll? Open an account at one of our online poker rooms today and get on the grind.

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45 Man MTT Strategy

Introduction to 45 Man MTTs

The trick to winning 45 man MTTs is to be tight aggressive and gain chips quicker than other tournaments. Only the top 7 players make money, which means you need to ensure you build enough chips to get to the final table.

The benefit to 45 man MTTs is that you only have to play with 44 opponents. The tournaments are faster, contains less variance, and are usually full of more donks than your average 180 man or mid-sakes freezeout.

Best Site for 45 Man MTTs – Go to Full Tilt + $600 Bonus

You can find the best selection and buy-in range of 45 Man MTTs at Full Tilt Poker.

Early Stage 45 Man SNG Strategy

As with all tournaments, keep it tight, playing just your best hands (AK, AQ). I like to sit on my bad hands at the very beginning of these tournaments. With blinds of 30/15 there isn’t any motivation for me to enter pots worth 45 chips.

Because these games are fought aggressively, you can’t expect to bluff everyone like you’re Tom Dwan. Alot of bad players are too aggressive in 45 man MTTs, and this means you can’t turn super-agro and expect to win. Slow and steady is my tip for this game. You will need to force yourself into pots depending on your stack size later in the tourney, but don’t fall into the trap of shoving all-in without the right cards too early.

A rule of thumb is to make the most of your position and play accordingly. Play your strong hands in early position, and open up your starting range slightly (suited connectors) in later position or on tighter tables.

Remeber you can’t play too many speculative hands in 45 man MTTs, and if you get down to less than a 10BB chip stack you’ll need to be shoving or folding pre-flop.

In conclusion, you want to play a tight solid game during the early stages. It’s nice to gain chips early, however it’s better to wait it out for the blinds to increase, before risking your stack for a relatively small pot.

Middle Stage 45 Man MTT Strategy

The blinds are about 50/100, and at this point around 30 players are remaining. There will be alot of small stack players who havn’t double up, so people will be going out quickly until the final table/bubble.

Your middle stage 45 man strategy should be entirely based on stack sizes, position and blinds sizes. The blinds enforce the pot size and by now you should be blind stealing. This works well from late position, however if you have a healthy chipstack stealing from mid-position can be even more effective.

You might notice a tightening of play right before the final table. In that case, you can intensify your blind stealing efforts. You are going to need all the help you can get to win this tournament so keep attacking those blinds. Look for the tightest players at the table and steal from them as often as you can.

Overall you should be grabbing and stealing as many chips as you can get away with. In my opinion you need at least 6k in chips for the final table to have a good shot of winning (blinds 600/300). Targeting small stacks is important to do this: these players are desperate and most of the time will be shoving with any rag ace.

Late Stage 45 Man MTT Strategy

You should feel very proud of making the final table, however alot of the most important work is yet to be done. There is pressure to dominate the final table and earn your 1st place payday.


This is probably the most difficult part of the tournament, because everyone will be going all out. Blinds are very high relative to stacks, so the table will be constantly re-stealing and stealing pots. You need to play super tight at this stage, and don’t both limping with any of your premium hands. You should shove KK or AA preflop; if you don’t get called, unlucky.

The only other solid advice I can proffer is to look for good spots to push your money and perfect your reading on players. In reality your opponents and their stacksizes are more important than your cards.

In conclusion, get involved with the tightest opponents or those with the smallest stacks. These will be the easiest to get chips from.

My last advice is aim for 1st place. This might sound strange – most people might think what else would they be doing in a tournament? My point is you’ve got to continue playing aggressively and making risks to double your stack and oust opponents – even given the post-bubble rapacity of final players. There’s far greater reward in 1st place then settling for 6th in 45 man MTTs (trust me). Heads up strategy is really important too. For earning ROI’s in 45 man MTTs the heads up phase will play a massive part in the long term. Read our articles on that for extra help.

Best Site for 45 Man MTTs: Go to Full Tilt + $600 Bonus

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